Prolegomenas to the Opposite of Weather



the sky’s its own suicide  .I can’t understand it  .all the  inverseuniverse  of it  ,all the milkycreosote of schizo-   
  wristed surgeons apt to taffy apart the blued asphalt of it ,the pure the of it .it ,like some meteorologist’s pliant feint .playing outside as a kid I’d always predict a cloud’s electric as sparks off their collision :lies worthy of hwy
   lines .eroded ,linebyline ,they exemplify allcorporeal’s pliant isn’t.an isn’t line of thinking ,what’s the opposite
ofweather  ?is? you&I ,knowing snow doesn’t exact itself down ,think tulle,think finesse,think thinness     .not
 thing-ness .a not not ,like filings fishing line glints  ,sunned  ,scalpel-slaloms out weather’s opposite into           .    

beyond a doubt


    later I’d see without a doubt a doubt’s theclosest thing to thinking I know .that’s why the greatest tragedy in theatre isn’t theatrical at all it’sjust how a movie moves .it’s theitself   ,the’s denial to serve   .so I’d immerse
     myself in Buñuelia ,his films .I’d watch how cumulo nimbus   thins, turns cirrus   uncinus-slit moon    ,chews   ,construes its final unifying   Un Chien Andalou’s   wound (and it was a wound   ),wound being straightrazor’d  eye,a ventriloquoy like gristle is as if in yours is the mouth of a cave wall’s unwillingness to hold psyche  .as in
   paleo-caves  :Lascaux or Chauvet  .or how a mind, waking, slowly carves out the soon-to-be-too-late: “—you…   

you were there. &you&you&you


    you  ,ungrasped asa lung’s thinking  it’s soso easy to breathe ,only to have forgotten how  ,to’ve lost it   ,to’ve
consciously swapped so for SOS  ,infernos for a pyre  ,strays of ash for ashtrays   .It’s disgustingly grotesque
     how the flickèdequipoise  of a fire canbe steamrolled by night’s more distinguished shadowycliché   ,how a
flag’s 3rd dimension can be ironed away  ,winded of wind  ,so to speak  ,dumbly .do clouds clef  ?do rains
  wrend  ?do I you  ?I’ve always thought that a you was best muse-fused  ,leaned into gently like howa car turns
 thru what the I flies :what flagsfeign  :reveries of rivers.all flags ,burnt   ,turn black   .yes  ,but not all rivers flow 

like rivers flow .as in ,vesuvially


It’s as if everyone reveres this weird inclination to kiln an empire under which to collapse :this is the body ,I
   guess  .as if bones were toys merely to co-exist with  ,as if they’d vie to unthe the body  ,vie for radio arachnid 
5 fingers rigormortised intoa chord I’m without elastic enoughto comprehend  .vie to guitar it  ,snarl it,  cres-
scent-web it back to calico  .if so  ,why so  ?ipso facto, a cloud’s a musclememory of an opposite’s power ,just as
    snow’s a musclememory of rain :a spectre,erected  ,amIright? the I in you says yes, as yes as oolong tea in water does  ,ad to astra  &body/mind .wobbly sideshows of eureka pleaseme ,tho I’m weighed on by thiscrystal 

incurred ,hyphenates you & I human


sometimes what I’m most afraid of is that the best of what we are is hallelujah.liaisons of star-gristle in the dark
   meat.re-dos   ,eons  ,ions   .never rly lions unless to flow toward & orbit a corpse  ,a requiem  ,a question  ;so
 I’ll be honest when I say that when I want to know the opposite of weather I want to know for the novelty of 
   holding in my hands for once what’s on the tip ofmy tongue ,what fells by muscle the skeletal  ,acts as comma
for inevitable cryings-out (i.e. ,beopposite what’s weathered ,for once  ).but an eye to view its own veiny electro-
static won’t be freed til thelast meteorologist   ishung  by recycled entrails of what we said’s the verylast tempest 

—a trail of re- we never zed


hyphenates you & I human ,incurred


as in ,vesuvially  .like rivers flow


            &you&you&you  .you were there


beyond a doubt

Jake Syersak is an MFA candidate in poetry at the University of Arizona, where he serves as editor for Cloud Rodeo and The Sonora Review. His poems have most recently appeared in DIAGRAM, Coconut, and Ilk. He is the author of the chapbook Notes To Wed No Toward from Plan B Press.